By Nathan Steele
February 21, 2024
Kris called the meeting to order 8pm Tuesday, February 13th, 2024 Present: Owen Storm, Kristie King, Daniella Thornton, Bernie Kessler, Jennifer Marion Annual budget discussion started. Daniella looked at the 2023 budget and all the transactions haven’t all been reconciled yet. She is working on it. She is hoping to have things worked out by next week after meeting with Margaret (our new accountant) and getting up to speed. Review of past years annual expenses. Note of money in budget that is separate for individual limited. Where will increases happen in the budget-labor, utilities, lawn services(approx 5%). Expenses for the next year: -Resurfacing bottom of main pool-Jon will be point person-working on quotes -Front Gate-Jon, Keith and Bernie point people-approx $5,000 -Fix women’s toilet(wax ring needs replaced) and look at the showers in the pool house-approx $3,000 Kris will follow up with plumbers. -Revisit getting a key pad for the entry to the pool-approximately $1,000 Owen will follow up. -Adult early access pool time for exercise classes-life guard wages(x2 weekly for the summer). -Community Garden-reaching out to community members who are interested to start. -Forrest Fire Mitigation-thinning out sick trees. Kris will speak with DRN, fire wise folks to see what they recommend. Limiteds need to meet separately to discuss their budgets for the year. Bernie is going to work on getting an appointment with the insurance brokers to reassess what we are covered for. Bernie and Kris will meet with them to discuss and see what our options are. Sending out a survey to the neighbors to or speaking to the individual areas to get ideas to improve the community and finding neighborhood volunteers. Will discuss Annual Meeting at the next Board Meeting in March. Will not be having an Annual Meeting the first week in March. Kris motions to approve minutes from last months meeting. Owen seconds. Approved by board. Kristie King agreed to represent Area 1 as a liaison to the board.