By Nathan Steele
April 18, 2024
Kris Owens, Alicia Young, Bernie Kessler, Emily Gutting, Owen Storm, Jon Vanrooy and Jennifer Marion present. Bernie advised that the financials are looking way more cleaned up and organized. Bernie has been meeting with Margaret weekly to help get the books organized. They are still working on the balance sheets for the limiteds and the main accounts. The supplemental insurance for alcohol consumption does not work for Clean Up Day, but we will revisit it for Octoberfest. Owen advised that they are still hiring lifeguards, but well staffed. Owen is on the contact head for the county regarding the pool. Owen has researched getting a coded door for the pool house entrance. It looks like a door with one code for the neighborhood is the most economical way to go. Owen and Eric are going to talk further about opening day and getting things going for the pool during clean up day. We will start trash service the week after clean up day. Jon looked into the pool lining costs and needs to get measurements to get the final quote. We are planning on getting the paint down before the start of this pool season. Jon will take lead on getting the pool ready for the summer-power washing and getting it ready for the summer. Bernie is taking point on refurbishing the front gate. Keith Marion will be helping him. They will build the gate down at the pool and stash his tools down there while they are working on it. Jennifer motioned to do the gate project, it was approved. Alicia will get quotes on materials in the next week. Bernie followed up about the Pilates class in the park for the summer. Jennifer is going to follow up with her again to nail down more details. He is also working to find someone to teach water aerobics at the pool this summer. Bernie is working on locations for a possible community garden in the park area. Jennifer is going to get a new grill for the pool area before clean up day for around $500. Kris will be coordinating the bins for clean up day. Jon is going to get mulch for around the front entrance sign and that area will get weeded during clean up day. We will sell memberships to Fairwood 2 for the pool this summer for $300. Motioned by Kris and passed.